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Don't Let Profits Wash Away With Nutrient Runoff

Nutrient loss from soil and water runoff is a leading source of contaminants in lakes, streams, and rivers. As good stewards of the land, farmers can take steps to reduce runoff, keep precious soil in place and increase profitability.

Sediment, nutrients, pesticides, pathogens, and salts all contribute to poor water quality. Conventional fertilizers deliver a quick hit of nutrients, but often they leach into waterways, volatilize into the environment, and do nothing to improve soil health.

The good news is that these nonpoint source contaminants can be minimized through simple farm management changes that only require minor tweaks with little additional investment. Such sustainable practices will increase long-term productivity, saving time and money—not to mention keeping water resources healthy.

One simple management strategy is to incorporate SymTRX® from Anuvia® Plant Nutrients into your fertilization strategy. SymTRX is a USDA-certified 87% bio-based fertilizer that keeps nutrients in the soil. It feeds crops immediately, then continues to slowly release nutrients, feeding plants as they grow. When SymTRX is applied, nutrient availability and efficiency are optimized while 16% organic matter is returned to the soil.

To evaluate nutrient loss via leaching, the University of Georgia conducted a research trial to determine nutrient loss of Anuvia Plant Nutrients products compared to conventional inorganic fertilizers. The study confirmed a 50.2% reduction in nitrogen leaching compared to urea and a 39.9% reduction compared to ammonium sulfate.

On-farm decisions driven by economics and those driven by the environment can be complementary. The same practices that minimize nutrient leaching and volatility also support other very distinct positive outcomes, which include improved soil health. Healthier soils are more resilient and better able to buffer against weather extremes, as well as maximize a farmer's fertilizer investment. More nutrients used, less lost to the environment.

Soil can be degraded, and when that happens, it is difficult to recover. Practices that prevent erosion, such as no-till and cover crops, and practices that promote nutrient cycling in the soil help keep organic matter stable and improve sustainability in the long run.

“SymTRX is simply a good fit,” says Hugh MacGillivray, Anuvia Plant Nutrients' Chief Commercial Officer. “Thus far SymTRX has been used on over two million acres across the U.S. and Canada. Its unique technology lessens environmental impact while increasing economic return for farmers. SymTRX is easy to use, requiring no special equipment. It fits into farmers' existing application practices. With little to no financial or operational barriers to adoption, this technology can make an immediate impact.”

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