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How-To Library

  • Feeding Cattle for Fertility

    A cow that doesn’t produce a calf each year is a profit drainer rather than a profit gainer for any cow-calf operation. In an ideal world, each cow in your herd will be pregnant for 285 days and then breed back within 80 days, giving you a calf every year (within every 12 months). To accomplish this feat, your cow needs to be at the top of her nutritional game.
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  • Laying Out Your Property to Support a Small Beef Operation

    Have you considered raising beef cattle? Before you bring the first head of cattle onto your land you must determine what type of operation you want to run. The two most popular types are cow/calf and stocker operations. While both operations will require pasture and feeding systems, cattle-handling equipment and loading (transportation) facilities, planning for your specific operation will make life easier once the cattle arrive.
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  • Summer Pasture Management

    Proactively managing your pasture through the summer can help provide quality nutrition for your livestock all season long and next season, too. Let the pasture experts at your local Southern States store help you make sure the grass is always greener on your side.
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  • 10 Essential Items for Your Barn Medicine Chest

    The best way to handle any emergency situation that may arise with your horse is to think like a scout and be prepared. A well- stocked barn medicine chest will let you immediately start treating your horse’s injury or illness, instead of running around the barn looking for items you need.
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