David Hill
Shelbyville Agronomy Plant
Agronomy Sales Manager - David has been with Southern States for over 40 years. He specializes in crop protectants, seed, and plant nutrition and provides crop management for his customers.
Shelbyville Agronomy Plant
Agronomy Sales Manager - David has been with Southern States for over 40 years. He specializes in crop protectants, seed, and plant nutrition and provides crop management for his customers.
Springfield Agronomy Center
Agronomy Sales Manager - Mike, a member of the Southern States team for over 21 years, grew up on a row crop and livestock farm in Kentucky. He graduated from Eastern Kentucky University with a degree in agronomy/agriculture education and is a Certified Crop Advisor (CCA).
Calhoun Agronomy
Agronomy Sales Manager & Applicator – Chad grew up on a 300-acre row crow farm and worked on small dairy growing up. He has worked for Southern States for over 21 years, specializing in pasture and row crops. He is passionate about building relationships with his growers.
Mebane, Danville & Reidsvile Agronomy Centers
Territory Sales Manager – Kevin has worked for Southern States for over 30 years, specializing in crops, seed, fertilizer and chemicals. He grew up on a small family farm with cattle, hogs, row crops and tobacco. Kevin attended North Carolina State University and earned his bachelor’s degree in ag systems technology.
Mt. Olive Agronomy Center
Agronomy Sales Manager – Russell grew up on a family farm in Mt. Olive and currently farms a small acreage of corn and soybeans. He has worked in the farm industry for over 18 years, having worked for Southern States for over 18 years and Nutrien Ag Solutions for 5 years. Russell is very passionate about preserving and protecting farm land from development and believes it's critical that we protect the land for future production of food and fiber.
Hertford Agronomy Center
Agronomy Sales Manager - Gerald has been with Southern States for over 13 years. He grew up on a tobacco, corn and soybean farm in North Carolina and specializes in fertilizer, seed and chemicals. He is passionate about helping his customers with fertilization needs and improving their crop yields.
Lumberton Agronomy Center
Agronomy Sales Manager - A member of the Southern States team for over 24 years, David grew up on a 3,600 acre farm, which grew cotton and soybeans. He is a Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) and holds a degree from Pembroke State University.
Tarboro & Williamston Agronomy Centers
Agronomy Sales Manager – Brian was raised on a 1,700-acre row crop operation that farmed cotton, peanuts, wheat and soybeans. He’s worked for Southern States for over 21 years, specializing in row crops and chemicals. His goal is to help farmers get higher yields out of their crops.
Lumberton & Loris Agronomy Centers
Agronomy Sales Manager - Raised on a small tobacco, corn and soybean farm, Alan has been in agriculture his whole life. He’s been with Southern States for over 8 years and holds a degree in Agronomy from North Carolina State University.
Agronomy Sales Manager - Taylor was raised on a family farm in Lumberton, NC. Her family’s farm is a Row-Crop Operation with corn, cotton, soybeans, wheat, and peanuts. Recently graduated from North Carolina State University where she majored in Agriculture Business & Agriculture Education with a minor in Crop Science. With a passion for agriculture, she strives to help Southern States customers maximize their farm acres and make well informed decisions regarding their crops.
Hertford, NC
Agronomy Sales Manager- Caleb grew up in western Kentucky on a row crop, tobacco and cattle farm where his passion for agriculture began. He's a recent graduate of the University of Kentucky with an Agricultural Economics degree and a Distillation, Wine & Brewing studies minor. 
Manning/Lake City and Darlington/Bishopville
Agronomy Sales Manager - Warren worked on a row crop and chicken farm growing up, where they grew cotton, corn and peanuts. Prior to Southern States, Warren worked at Monty’s Plant Food where he specializes in agronomy, scouting, humics and crop management.
Luray Agronomy Center
Territory Sales Manager – Bill has worked for Southern States for over 40 years with significant experience in forage, crops and livestock. He’s a Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) and American Registry of Professional Animal Scientist, as well as a member of the Virginia Crop Production Association and the Page County Farmers Association. He holds a degree in agricultural economics and farm business management.
Moorefield and Romney Agronomy Centers
Territory Sales Manager – Dean was raised on a beef cattle and corn operation in northern Virginia. He holds a degree in ag economics from Virginia Tech University and has worked for Southern States for over 33 years. He specializes in cattle, corn and pasture.