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How to Plant

Vegetable Seed Guide

Use the chart below to determine how much seed to buy for your garden. Also listed are optimum planting dates, based on the upper south climate zone. For planting times in other climate zones, contact your local Southern States dealer.

Seed for 100
feet of row
(sufficient for replanting
or multiple plantings.)
Distance in ft. between rows
(garden tractor cultivation)
Distance in ft. between rows
(hand cultivation)
in inches
between plants
or hills in row
Asparagus 66 plants Feb. and Mar. or Oct. and Nov. 4-5 3-4 18
Beans, Bush 1 to 2 lbs. April to August 3 2 3-6
Beans, Pole 1/2 lb. April to May 4 4 36-48
Beans, Bush Lima 1 lb. May 3-3 1/2 2-2 1/2 12-18
Beans, Pole Lima 1/2 lb. May 4 4 36-48
Blackeye Edible Peas 1 lb. April to May 3 3 3-6
Beets 2 oz. March to August 2 1/2 -3 1-2 4-6
Broccoli 66 plants April and July 2 1/2 -3 2-3 18
Brussels Sprouts 66 plants March and April, July 2 1/2 -3 2-3 15-18
Cabbage 50 to 66 plants Early Mar. & Apr., late July 3 2-2 1/2 18
Cantaloupe 1 oz. April and May 5 3-4 36-48
Carrots 1 oz. March to July 2 1/2 -3 1-2 3-4
Cauliflower 66 plants Set plants in April & July 3 2-2 1/2 18
Celery 120 to 150 plants Set plants in July 3 1 1/2 -2 8-10
Collards 1 oz. March & April; June & July 3 2-3 18-24
Corn 2 oz. April to July 3 2-3 8-9
Cucumbers 1/2 oz. May and June 5 3-4 36-48
Eggplant 50 plants May and June 3 2-3 24
Kale (Spring) 1 to 2 oz. March to May 3 1 1/2 -2 8-10
Kale 1 to 2 oz. March, August & September 3 1 1/2 -2 1/2 12-18
Lettuce 1/4 oz. Early Mar. to May; late Aug. 2-3 1 1/2 8-10
Mustard 1 oz. Early Mar. & Apr.; late Aug. 2-3 1-2 4-6
Okra 1 oz. May and June 3 2-3 18-24
Onions 1 to 2 lbs. March and April 2-3 1-2 3-4
Winter Onions 2 to 3 lbs. Sept., Oct., and Nov. 3 1 1/2 -2 4-6
Parsley 1 oz. March and April 2 1-1 1/2 4-6
Parsnips 1/2 to 1 oz. March and April 2 1/2 -3 1 1/2 -2 4-5
Peas 1 to 2 lbs. February to May 3 2-3 1-3
Peppers 66 plants May 3 2-3 18
Potatoes 1/2 peck March to May 3 2 1/2 -3 12
Pumpkins 1/2 oz. May 6 4 48
Radishes 1 oz. Early Mar. to May; late Aug., Sept. 2-3 1-1 1/2 2-3
Rhubarb 25 to 30 roots Early March & April 4 4 36-48
Rutabaga 1 oz. Late October & November 2 1/2 -3 2-3 4-6
Salsify 2 oz. June and July 2 1/2 -3 1-2 4-5
Spinach 1 to 2 oz. Early Mar. & April; late Aug., Sept. 2-3 1 1/2 -2 4-8
Squash (Summer) 1/2 oz. April to June 5 3-5 36-60
Squash (Winter) 1 oz. April and May 5 3-5 36-60
Sweet Potatoes 66 to 100 plants May and June 3-4 3 12-18
Swiss Chard 2 oz. March and April 3 1 1/2 -2 6-8
Tomatoes 33 to 40 plants Early May & June; late July 3-5 2 1/2 -3 30-36
Turnips 1 oz. March to August 2 1/2 -3 1 1/2 -2 4-6
Watermelons 1/2 oz. May and June 6 4-5 36-72

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