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Energy Conservation

Propane has been a “green” energy choice since it was discovered in 1912. Propane is truly an exceptional energy, and one of the cleanest-burning energy sources available today. Due to its low emissions, propane was approved as an alternative clean fuel by the Clean Air Act in 1990, and the National Energy Policy Act of 2005. Propane is a cleaner burning energy source than coal, fuel oil or gasoline.

Using clean-burning propane as an energy source significantly lowers greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to electricity and heating oil. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), coal-powered electricity is the leading contributor to sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere, resulting in the harmful production of acid rain. Burning coal to generate electricity also emits other pollutants including carbon dioxide, a leading cause of global warming. Per pound of fuel burned, coal releases more than twice the amount of carbon dioxide as propane. In addition to the harmful effects caused by global warming, these greenhouse gases are also increasing health risks including asthma, heart and lung problems.

Propane, however, does not significantly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions or acid rain. In fact, the carbon dioxide emissions from electric home heating could be reduced by about 75 percent if instead propane was used for heating homes.

The Federal government has also classified propane as a safe motor fuel, and Propane Autogas, has become an attractive alternative for many business and municipal vehicle fleets. School buses, taxis, police cars, park transportation vehicles, and many other fleets are being converted to more economical and clean-burning Propane Autogas. Propane’s low emissions also make it an ideal fuel for indoor applications such as forklifts and other industrial operations.

Propane is nontoxic and insoluble in water, so it does not contaminate soil or groundwater supplies. In the unlikely event that liquid propane leaks, it quickly evaporates and dissipates in to the air. Over ninety percent of propane is produced in the USA, with the remaining majority produced in Canada. Using propane helps to reduce our country's dependence on foreign oil and our carbon footprint.

Energy Conservation Tips:

In 2010, Americans saved enough power from using Energy Star appliances to prevent greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to that of 33 million cars — all while saving nearly $18 billion on their utility bills. You can save, too. Here are a few tips to make energy conservation easy:

  • Install a programmable thermostat. When properly set, a thermostat can reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 10 per cent. For every degree you lower your heat in the 60-degree to 70-degree range, you’ll save up to 5 percent on heating costs. Set the thermostat back to 55 degrees or off at night or when leaving home for an extended time, saving 5-20 percent of your heating costs.
  • Buy a better bulb. Replace frequently used incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lights — which produce the same amount of light. These lights use about one quarter of the electricity and last ten times as long.
  • Conserve hot water. Turning your water heater down to 120º F will cut your hot water costs by as much as 50 percent, and insulating your water heater and exposed pipes can save another 15 percent. Choosing a tankless propane water heater, instead of an electric model, can reduce energy costs by as much as 60 percent. Since water heating typically is a home’s second largest source of energy consumption, conserving can mean significant savings. Save 4 percent when washing your clothes in warm or cold water and always rinse clothes in cold water.
  • Go low-flow. Low-flow shower heads and faucets are a worthwhile investment that will reduce the amount of hot water you use by half, without decreasing performance.
  • Invest in efficient appliances. Replace old appliances with newer, more efficient Energy Star models and save a ton in utility bills. For example, new refrigerators are far more energy efficient than the ones of 20 years ago. An old refrigerator can waste up to three times as much energy as a newer energy-efficient model.
  • Properly maintain appliances. Replace furnace filters once a month. Dirty filters restrict air flow and increase energy use. Keeping your furnace clean, lubricated and properly adjusted reduces energy use, saving up to 5 percent of heating costs.
  • Go off-peak. Take advantage of lower energy prices during off-peak hours. Run your dishwasher, washer and dryer early in the morning, in the evening or on weekends when electricity rates are lowest.
  • Drive smart. Keep your vehicles tuned up and the tires properly inflated. When you can, skip the drive and take public transportation, walk or bicycle.
  • Button up your house. Sealing cracks, installing energy-efficient windows and adding weather stripping and insulation greatly improves home heating and cooling—the average person’s largest use of energy. Reducing drafts can save up to 30 per cent a year on heating costs.
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle. Recycling paper, glass, and metal saves 70-90 percent of the energy and pollution required to manufacture products from virgin materials.
  • Plant a tree. Lower your air conditioning bills by planting shade trees around your house —an energy-efficient solution that also looks great.