Store Locator
Store Locator
Relative Maturity | 108 |
GDUs to Mid-Pollination | 1,330 |
GDUs to Black Layer | 2,460 |
Planting POP >32,000 | 2 |
Plant Height | Medium |
Ear Height | Medium |
Cob Color | Red |
Ear Type | Semi-Flex |
Kernel Rows | 16-18 |
Emergence | 2 |
Early Vigor | 1 |
Stalk Strength | 2 |
Root Strength | 2 |
Staygreen | 2 |
Drydown | 2 |
Drought Tolerance | 2 |
Test Weight | 2 |
Wet Soils | 2 |
Non-Irrigated Sands | 3 |
Corn-on-Corn | 2 |
No Till | 2 |
Gray Leaf Spot | 2 |
Common Rust | NA |
Goss' Wilt | 3 |
N. Corn Leaf Blight | 1 |
S. Corn Leaf Blight | NA |
Fungicide Response | 2 |
For details on this seed variety, please visit the manufacturer website here.
The information provided on this website is for reference only. Always refer to the product labels for complete details and directions for use.